Monday, May 18, 2009

All Hail the Douches!

As many of you know, we're a proud member of the Douchebag Podcasting Network. Right now, we are asking for your help! We're running a contest and the prize is Stephen's (JAFMP) copy of Brutal Massacre. He has no taste and thinks that this film is bad whereas I really enjoyed it.

All you have to do is fill in the dialog boxes and come up with what this couple is discussing. Here is the official blurb:

As you can see, our banner was derived from an actual vintage douche advertisement. But I think this can be funnier, dammit! So our first ever DBPN contest! Email us at with the funniest fill-in-the-blank-balloons you can come up with. Winner will be decided by majority vote of DBPN members on June 15th, 2009. The winner will receive, appropriately enough, a movie made by douche bags. No, not THE GRAND HORROR. The winner will receive Stephen’s very own copy of BRUTAL MASSACRE. LMB, MFs.

As you can see, there is much at stake, so visit this link to submit your entries!

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