Thursday, March 12, 2009

Robert Best's Review of Sleepaway Camp 2

We figured that we'd move right along in the reviews and bring another one of Robert Best's reviews over for your enjoyment:

I still haven't seen Sleepaway Camp. I know, I know. Shut up. I'll get to it eventually. But I know the basic plot and the the twist at the end. If you don't, I'll just leave it at that.

So one day, while home from work, I decided to test the Netflix streaming service with Sleepaway Camp II. Because it was there. I was expecting a run-of-the-mill slasher movie, nothing too exceptional.

And what a surprise. I was not expecting this movie to be as enjoyable as it was. Nor for it to be as (intentionally) funny as it was.

There's no attempt to hide who the killer is, either. We know from the first scene. So there's lots of campy dark humor to be had as the killer walks among the pool of potential victims and they have no idea.

As you might guess from the title, this was the 4,000th slasher movie to be set at a summer camp. And the killer is one of the camp counselors, a young woman who takes summer camp really seriously. So seriously she kills campers she finds morally deficient. And this being an slasher film, most of the campers are morally deficient.

So, lots of kills to be had. And it's gross. Like a body stuffed down an outhouse. And it's funny. Like a scene where the killer is moving calmly around the room, looking for an appropriate weapon while the victim chatters obliviously away.

Fun, and definitely worth a rental.

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