Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Donkey Punch Review by Floridapossum

Take booze, drugs, sex, young people on a yacht, and what do you have? A typical slasher move. Well, I'm happy to say not this time. You do have a bit of a slasher move, but Donkey Punch, is anything but typical.

This is a well written, well produced, and well acted movie from start to finish, by relative unknown actors, and first time film director, Olly Blackburn.

The plot is a simple one, three young women vacationing in Mallorca are having an all girls vacation, until they go to the pub. There, after some drinking and dancing they meet three guys looking for a good time. Very unoriginal so far. But this soon changes. The six of them head out to party on a yacht the boys crew. The owner of the yacht conveniently flew out the day before, and they decide to take full advantage of his abscence.
What follows, after reaching the yacht is an alchohol, drug fueled orgy, with one female protagonist reluctant and not participating. She stays on deck with a fourth fellow, who had been left behind to watch the boat.

From here, we enter of maze of graphic violence, sex, and gore. I don't want to give away any more, but this movie had many unanticipated twists and turns, that elevated it well above your typical, drunken, drug crazed, parttying youngsters, slasher movie.
The cinematography was beautiful, the colors deep, and it had the appearance of a high budget movie. The score, while not outstanding, was not bad. The acting was believable and enjoyable. Very well done.

If you enjoy sex, booze, drugs and orgys, in your movies, this is definitely one to see.

In the word of the illustrious Sam and Mike, I would give this a buy!

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