Monday, February 2, 2009

30 Days of Night... A Second Opinion

In Episode 22, we talked about 30 Days of Night and both Sam and I really enjoyed the film. Well, let's get another person's take on the subject. Here's Robert R. Best with his review:

So there's this tiny town in Alaska where, once a year, it is dark for 30 days. The few residents who stay each year hunker down for the dark cold month. Until one year, when vampires show up.

That's a nice, solid set-up. And it's handled well. The early parts of the film, before the sun has gone down, set up a good feeling of approaching doom. Someone has stolen all the cell phones and destroyed them. Someone has killed all the dogs in town. A weird stranger has shown up at the diner and is demanding bowls of raw hamburger.

Dealing with all this is the town sheriff, played surprisingly well by Josh Hartnett. He and the few residents of the town are trying to sort out what's going on when the vampires arrive.

A lot of effort went into making these vampires very different from the romantic, tormented souls we've become used to. These vampires are feral and animalistic. Smart, but more like animals than anything else. And this presentation works, especially the excellent performance by Danny Huston as the leader of the vampires.

Its a solid movie. Above average, but missing something I can't put my finger on. There's just no real wow-factor to push this movie into greatness. And it feels like it could have been great. Still, worth seeing.

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